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Saturday, July 17, 2010

End of Day 28 of the AllYou Grocery Challenge

End of the Day, and totals for the day...I did some Target shopping, so including that great trip in this post as well!

I had to return a pair of jeans I had picked up for Trenton...apparently skinny jeans are not acceptable!  Got back $15.17 for those.  We went to the clearance rack to see if any of their Levis were acceptable, and they were not.  However, I picked up a pair of shorts for my husband for 6.49, a polo shirt for him for 7.48 minus a $3 Merona Target coupon.  I also found 6 Champion tank tops(womens) for 3.24 each, and I had 6 Champion $5 Target coupons on me, so I got those, too.  I completely expected my coupons to be adjusted down on the Champion tanks, but if they gave me overage, so be it!  Well....I got the overage!!!  My total, including tax was $0.43!!!  Wow!

We then headed to Homeland, where I picked up a bag of Grande chips 2.00, used $1 Q, a basket of 2.2# nectarines for 2.50, used the store $2.36 off Q, and found a package of marked down RRR fajita meat for 1.99, used the $2 Q on including tax was $0.40!!

We dropped off our groceries at home, then headed out to Broken Arrow to try the frozen yogurt shop Cherry Berry.  Eh, I'm not smitten.  Sure, it was fun to pick one of 12 or so frozen yogurt flavors(or mix them up), and then top your yogurt with one or several of a couple dozen toppings, but the price is high, especially since you don't know how much you are getting until you pay!  It's a pay per ounce place, and they offer two cup sizes...big and bigger!  I chose the smaller cup, but Vince and Trenton each grabbed the huge cup.  When we went to weigh and pay, our total was $19.22.  That is some expensive yogurt!  I had a $10 gift certificate I earned from LivingSocial, so we just paid $9.22, but even at $9, that is expensive yogurt!  Next time, we will be more conservative...if there is a next time!  I didn't really care for the yogurt...I tried three flavors and they all tasted artificial.


Mommy Hates Cooking said...

We were at Cherry Berry today too! However, we LOVE it! It's a frequent treat for us. I told my husband he could splurge this time since we had $10 to spend, which we ended up going over by $1. He took me seriously apparently. We usually try to make sure we don't fill the cup too full b/c they are huge cups and they add up fast!!!!

We were also at Target too...we must of been passing each other. We went to the Levi's and my husband must be like Trenton b/c none of them were acceptable! UGH!

beth said...

That's funny! Trenton and Vince LOVE food...they don't know about moderation! Next time, I'll have them each do their own transaction...I have 2 more $10 certificates! Yes, they can eat that much fro-yo...geez!

Mommy Hates Cooking said...

Haha...Steven is the same way he doesn't no moderation either. Must be a boy thing! Not sure if I'm looking forward to Dakota getting into the preteen stage...b/t him and Steven they are going to eat me out of the house! :)