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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Grocery Challenge, Day 19...and a day at Target

We took Trenton and a friend to Incredible Pizza for a belated bday gift...4 buffets, $30.34.  We had a $10 gift cert from, but they don't honor those anymore, so the mgr gave us a $10 game card for free.  Trenton bought the game card from me, so my adjusted total was $20.34.  They let us keep the gift cert and told us to contact to get a gift cert at a different restaurant...awesome!
MIL brought over cucumbers from her parents' garden, think we'll do cucumber-cream cheese sandwiches and leftover lasagna

I went to one Target before lunch and 1 Target after lunch.  I bought canning jars, Nivea shave gel, 4 SB toilet gels, 4 SB refills for toilet brush, 3 Crystal Light, Clorox, Jennie O turkey, some trial size Shout and Tide, 1 SB power sprayer.  My coupon-pal and I went in on some Kelloggs & Sobe.  We also got watermelon, apples, bananas, romaine, eggplant...I had some gift cards to use up, so after gcs, my oop was $7.07.  My pal paid me her half, $5.  We went to grab a snack/drink at the Target cafe, $2.17 for a fruit smoothie.  The register didn't allow one of my coupons correctly at the first store, so they gave me $4 cash back for it.  The turkey is a rebate item for me, so I will get $4.39 back.

Here's the math for today:
Incredible Pizza 30.34-10.00 from Trenton(in place of my $10 gift cert)=20.34
Target #1:  0 oop(used gift card)-4.00 missed Q=-4.00
Target #2: 7.07 oop-5.00 from pal+2.17 drink-4.39 rebate=-0.15
$16.19 total oop

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