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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Exit Form for the AllYou Grocery Challenge 2010

I need to send in my Exit Form for the Challenge, so I'll put all my info here as well!  I think I did great!  I maintained my stockpile, I tried a few new meal ideas, I bartered quite a bit with friends and family, and I stayed within budget!

Total for four weeks: $65.98, saved $682.02;  this oop total includes all expected rebates and reimbursements(mystery shop assignment at a restaurant), includes monies received from friends I did some shopping for or with(split costs), includes 2 gift certificates for restaurants I purchased for friends' gifts, includes a trip to the liquor store(we were entertaining...liquor is not a regular purchase for us), includes taking the kids and a friend out for a belated birthday pizza/game day, and includes 8 gift certificates for us to use at restaurants while on vacation(which starts Monday!).
week 1:  $5.29
week 2:  $39.58
week 3:  $9.99
week 4: $11.12

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