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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Grocery Challenge, Day 21

It has been a rough day so is teething and cranky.  I started a load of laundry only to find Trenton had left his clothes in the washer overnight, WITH his cellphone in his jeans pocket(phone is sitting in a bag of rice in hopes of drying out).  So...I didn't make it out to the Tulsa Iris Society sale, or to Philbrook Museum.  Oh, well...since I was staying home this morning, I made a big batch of yogurt.  Needed to be done anyway!

I packed Vince a lunch;  Garrett has brown rice and a blob of cream cheese;  Trenton and I had cucumber-cream cheese sandwiches, on bread I baked was phenomenal!
grilled pork chops, pasta salad, green salad

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