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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

ERGO baby carrier giveaway!

For those of you with's a giveaway for you! Head over to MamaNotes for your chance to win an ERGO carrier--these are high dollar, great carriers...I would love to win! I love baby-wearing...and Garrett loves it much of the time. I have a wrap, a pouch sling, and a front-back carrier, but would love to try this one! Baby-wearing has many benefits...soothes & calms, helps with colic & fussiness, promotes closeness & bonding, but also instills confidence, and may help with balance and motor development, according to doctors. And let's face it, the best benefit is that you can get more stuff done while keeping your baby or toddler near! So, if you haven't tried baby-wearing, or if you haven't tried this carrier, be sure to enter---you may just win! While you are there, check out Samantha at MamaNotes..she has some great posts! Enter:

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