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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Do You Save Your Receipts?

If not, you should start!  I have been saving my receipts since I started this whole coupon game.  You never know when you'll find a rebate or a 'try me free' offer on something you just bought.  A large factor in my costs staying so low is due to rebates. 

Another reason:  you may need to return the socks I bought yesterday for 1.48/3pr...I bought them at 50% off when they were 2.98 for 3, hubby returned them today for me, to get back over $16.  And...the messenger bag I bought at Staples during the 'free backpack' week...although the website showed it was eligible for the rebate, the Rebate Center did not, so back it went!  A $74.99 bag was a little pricey for us...oh well!

I don't return things often, but at times like this, I'm glad I save my receipts!  My oop that was higher than normal last month will even out this month because of those returns.

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