Yes, I shopped all day at Target yesterday, except for during lunch and Garrett's nap. I made it home in time to make dinner and mop the floors....go, me!
What did I buy at Target Friday? Well, I posted a trip from early in the day here. After lunch and nap, I headed back out to 3 other Target stores. I did similar transactions at each:
store 1:
2 pkgs 3 pr mens merona socks 1.48 each
2 pr mens Champion swim trunks 4.98 each, used 2 $5 C9 tqs
post it super sticky pads 1.00 each, used $1mq on each
4 bic pens 0.99 each, used 2 $1/2 mq and 4 $1 tqs
2 Chef Boyardee cans 0.89 each, used $1 tq each
Armor All Wheel protectant 6.99, used $2mq
Armor All glass wipes 3.99, used $2mq
pd 8.51
Then I went over to the Guest Services Counter and let them know I had a coupon I forgot to give the cashier and asked them if they could fix it. They were happy to help, and gave me back $3 for my $3/2 Armor All product tq. Why did I wait on the armor all tq? Well there is a rebate here that I wanted to do, and Target coupons reduce the value of the item on your receipt, so your rebate refund will be less if you use a Target coupon. Read the rebate carefully before purchase, it has some specific requirement, but it's good til December 2010, and a money-maker with the right coupons!
So, 8.51 oop, -$3 coupon refund=5.51, submit for 6.99 rebate = profit of $1.48
Store 2:
1 pr Champion track pants 3.74, used $5 C9 tq
2 Chef Boyardee cans 0.89 each, used 2 $1 tqs
4 Bic pens 0.99 each, used 2 $1/2 mqs and 4 $1tqs
2pr merona boxers 2.24
3 pr merona socks 1.48
armor all wheel protectant 6.99, used $2mq
armor all wipes 3.99, used $2 mq
pd 8.77oop, went to gs again for the $3/2 armor all tq, so...
8.77 oop - $3coupon=5.77, submit for 6.99 rebate = profit of $1.22
Store 3:
found 1lb Green Giant carrots 0.50(tpc thru 8/7), bought 3 pkgs at 0.50 each
c9 tank top 3.74, used $5 c9 tq
4 Bic mech pencils 1.20 each, used 2 $1/2 mqs and 4 $1tqs
armor all wheel protectant 6.99, used $2 mq
armor all wipes 3.99, used $2 mq
leather wallet(hubby's christmas) 2.48
3 pkgs 3 pr merona socks 1.48
pd 14.23 oop, got $3 back for armor all tq
14.23 oop - 3.00 coupon= 11.23, submit for 6.99 rebate = $4.24
so, the three stores equal out to $1.54 oop after rebates! Not bad at all for husband's new wallet, 3# of carrots, lots of Armor all, Bic pens and pencils, Chef Boyardee, a few clothing pieces, 18 pr socks for hubby...I think that's great!
There is another deal with the Armor All, if you aren't interested in the rebate, but don't mind getting overage:
Target carries one product at 2.69, think it's tire spray or something...
buy 2 at 2.69=2.38, use 2 $2mqs and 1 $3/2 tq(since you aren't doing the rebate, you can give this at the register)= overage of $1.62!
Are the Armour All TQ gone? I am sure they are but thought I would ask in case I was just overlooking.
I guess they are gone...I have a couple someone sent me in a me at, your address and I will mail a couple to you!
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