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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Week 1 grocery challenge

So, doing some stocking up and buying a few ingredients for meals that are planned the rest of the week. Target 7/14 total $6.99(received $5 gift card for water deal) 10 bottles SoBe Lifewater (-4 B1G1 Qs) $6(received $5 gift card back) 2 Eclipse gum (-B1G1) $0.99 Walmart 7/14 total $17.68 baking powder 1.04 rice 1.16 tapioca 2.98 spice 1.60 tomato juice 1.24 Mapleine 3.48 ground beef 6.18 Total so far for the week $24.67 Planning a trip to SuperTarget and Homeland later in the week for some more groceries. 7/15 Reasor's 5.95 lbs cabbage(for cabbage rolls) 2.68 7/16 SuperTarget total 0.00!! 5 lbs fresh strawberries(freezing for later use) 9.95 2 Kashi entrees 6.58 2 Morningstar black bean burger pkg 6.28 2 tube anchovy paste(don't need at the moment but on clearance so keep for later)3.28 after coupons my total was 14.09 but I used gift cards so I paid nothing oop! Total this week is now 27.35...still have trip to Homeland to go! 7/19 Homeland calling it 0 5 pkg glue stx, pk ink pens, coffee creamer; total shb 1.99+tax, but with coupon overage it was 0.65, so I'm calling the creamer free! 7/19 dinner out 39.69 see running post for more info

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