A quick peek at my boys!
My husband, Vince, works for a large banking group in town. We have been married since February 2008.
My son Trenton just turned 12. He is starting 7th grade this year. He loves OU Football, archery, Runescape, movies, abox 360, the list could go on forever...
My son Garrett is 12 wks old today! He is so awesome! He laughs and talks to us all the time now, and can just about turn himself over from his back to belly. He loves to sit up and look around..so curious!
I am so blessed to have all of them in my life!

What an awesome picture of you and your husband! And your boys are beautiful as well! (Is it okay to say a 12 year old boy is beautiful?)
Thx, Debbie..I think the boys are beautiful, too!
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