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Thursday, August 27, 2009
bank benefits
So, my hubby insisted that we start the program at the bank where every time I pay a bill or use my check card, 50 cents goes into savings, and the bank matches it...he says since I shop so much(laugh out loud), it would be worth it to sign up. Of course, he works for said bank, so I do what I'm told! Really, if the bank will match my contributions for the 3 month period that they offer, that pays for several of my shopping trips! It just so happens that my first time using the program was for my $0.94 purchase at Target today...so, the bank will be giving us 50 cents for that, yay! What a deal!
So, if you are local and interested in this bank extra, contact me and I'll get you my husbands info...(he does make 'points' from opening accounts, so it would be helping him!) Or, if you just need banking or loan services, I can get you in touch with a qualified professional...let me know!
Shopping trips 8/26 & 8/27
Yep, that's all I do...print coupons and go shopping! Here's what we got:
Homeland(double coupons!)
2 pkg Ronzoni healthy harvest pastas 1.63 each, use $1/2 http://ronzoni.newworldpasta.com/pasta_coupon.cfm, 0.63 eacg
2 pkg Ronzoni smart taste pastas 1.39 each, use $1/2 http://ronzoni.newworldpasta.com/pasta_coupon.cfm, 0.39 each
2 Glade air fresheners 0.99 each, use 0.75/2 from Sunday insert, 0.24 each
Colgate MaxFresh and Colgate Total 6oz 2.50 each, use $1 Q off each http://www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/OC/SpecialOffers.cvsp?Section=OralCare, 0.50 each
2 Bar S bologna 1.50 each, use $1/2 http://www.bar-s.com/coupons/, 0.50 each
Athenos feta cheese 2.50, used $1 from Smartsource(no longer available), 0.50
Pilgrim's pride chicken 4.54, used 0.55 http://www.pilgrimspride.com/images/nav/nav_bgBottom.gif, 3.99
total was 10.00! saved 19.59
see other recent Target post for links to coupons for Target
4 J&J buddies bars 0.97 each, use 4 TQ
Earth's Best teething biscuits 1.58, use 1 TQ
4 General Mills Cereal Cups 1.00 each, use 4 TQ
2 Dora/Diego toothbrushes 1.86 each, use 2 TQ & 2 MQ
2 General Foods International Coffees 2.32 each on clearance, used $1MQ
5 True Delights bars 4@ 1.44 clearance, 1 @ 2.74, used 1MQ
total was 11.52, saved 19.63, got back a $5 gift card; went back today with 2 more MQ for True Delights and received $2 back! So, oop was 9.52 and still have the $5 gc, it's like spending 4.52!
Target(yes, again!)
3 J&J baby safety cotton swabs 1.29 each, use 3 TQ
3 J&J buddies bars 0.97 each, use 3 TQ
2 General Mills cereal cups 1.00 each, use 2 TQ
total was 0.94!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Cheap Restaurants.com deals are back!
Limited time....restaurants.com is offering their $25 gift certificates for $2! Read all the conditions(no alcohol toward the amount, tip added to original total, $35 minimum purchase, etc) first, but it's a great deal! Dh and I used one of ours yesterday to try a new trendy Asian restaurant in town..yum, and cheap!
Look through restaurants in your zip code on the site, add the $25 option, get lots of certificates...they don't expire for 1 year!...Enter the code TASTE at checkout and the amount is adjusted to $2 per item...what a deal!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Walgreens deals ending this week...hurry!
We use cloth wipes and diapers, but it's nice to have disposables when we are running around town!
In the front of Walgreens there is a 'back to school' booklet..get this! Inside is a coupon expiring 8/29/09 for Huggies wipes. The 64ct-72ct Huggies wipes are 2.79-2.99. This coupon is $2 off(it says $1, but rings up for 2.00; You don't need a coupon for each box of wipes, it will multiply), making wipes 79-99 cents! Cheap, right? If you have any wipes coupons from home mailers or newspapers, it makes it even cheaper! Also, www.coupons.com has a $1.50 coupon for any 1 diaper 'product', it has a pic of diapers on it, but I successfully used this for the wipes, plus it gives you overage for other stuff! A note, Walgreens also allows you to use 1 MQ and 1 Walgreens Q for each item, but, you cannot have more Qs than items; for instance, if you buy 2 Huggies wipes and use the Walgreens Q, it counts for 2 coupons since it multiplies, and if you use 2 MQ, you need 2 more items, so go hit the clearance aisle, or buy a pack of gum or 2!
Again, hurry..this ends on the 29th!
Listerine kids mouthwash...2/$8 ends Saturday the 29th also! Pick up 2 of the kids smartrinse, and the Walgreen's coloring book(near the pharmacy 99cents, check the front for coupons). After they scan the coloring book, have them scan the Walgreens Q $2 off for the kids Listerine inside the book(you can keep the coupon since it is a Walgreens Q), and use 2 $1 MQ http://www.listerinekids.com/images/button/download-coupon.gif, or the b1g1 Q from the Sunday paper a couple weeks ago...worse case scenario is $8 for 2, minus the Walgreens Q(it multiplies) of $2 & $2, minus the 2 MQ of $1 & $1, final is $2, but at checkout you will get a 'register rewards' coupon from the cashier for $3, so you make money! Only do this once per trip, because they won't give you 2 coupons for the same deal! Remember to buy 2 extra items because of your extra coupons!
Also in the coloring book(btw, the coupons expire in March, so use them again later!) is $2 off kids character bandaids...the bandaids are regular priced 3.99. If you have any MQ from Sunday papers, use them, too..jyst don't forget to add extra items for extra coupons! Buy 2 boxes of the character band-aids, use the Walgreens Q, pay 7.98 minus $2 & $2=3.98, receive a register reward for $4, which covers your bandad cost!
Register rewards: You can't get rewards for more than 1 deal on the same trip, but you could do the listerine deal and band aid deal the same trip and get the $3 & $4 to use the next trip! You can't use the rewards to do the same deal again...but you could use the listerine $3 to do the bandaid $4 deal(your total must be higher than the coupon value. And, the register rewards counts as a coupon, so get an extra cheap item...confused? Me, too, at first, but it's really easy once you get the hang of it! Sometimes they have deals where you get the item free...last week was Softsoap Nutrierum body wash for 3.99, get a RR for 4.00...pretty awesome!
Target shopping trip 8/24
So, thankfully my hubby went to the store with me, and didn't complain the whole time(but I promised not to ask him to go shopping again for a little while!)
Here's what we got, with links to coupons if possible. Target is great because you can use one manufacturer's coupon and one Target coupon for each item...I mostly use internet printable coupons, but there were a couple from Sunday papers...(MQ is manu., TQ is Target)...be sure when you print off coupons, to hit your browser's back button, then retry/refresh to print a 2nd coupon...most will only give you 2 coupons! I was able to get 4 for most, because I have 2 computers at home! All Target coupons were printed from this site http://www.organicgrocerydeals.com/forums/view.php?pg=coupon_generator
I've never had a problem at Target(usually go to the younger cashiers because they aren't grumpy about coupons), but some friends have...if they give you grief, show them thishttp://www.dealseekingmom.com/target-corporate-coupon-policy/
Baby items:
Aveeno baby products, 2/$7, use $2MQhttp://www.aveeno.com/save and $1 TQ for each item..final price $0.50 each
Johnson's baby products, not on sale, but baby wash was 2.19, shampoo, 3.14, didn't check other prices, but not much higher, also included is Johnson's baby cotton swabs, but no MQ for this, use $1http://johnsonsbaby.com/special-offers-expanded.jsp and $1 TQ for each item, MQ also http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=rkrpeos84985850&bt=wi&o=51049&c=JB&p=fJEldFXL, final price $0.19 for baby wash, $1.14 for shampoo, prices vary on other items ...just realized(going back!)
No Q needed except the TQ for this: Johnson's 'Buddy bars'(soap in a mesh netting) are 97 cents, so free after Q!
Boost Kid Essentials shakes 6 pk 7.99, use $5MQhttp://www.kidessentials.com/PublishingImages/kidessentials/comparaisonchart/save_2_dollars.gif
and $2 TQ, final price 99 cents
gerber 'feeding accessories', prices vary: plastic bottle 0.99, bottle nipples 2.42, toddler utensils 2.42-3.23, lots of other items but didn't need them! use $1 TQ for each item, final price free bottles, other 1.42+(they have plates, bowls, sippy cups..great to stock up for you or expectant friends
skittles crazy cores(up from at register)0.52, use $1TQ for each for free candy(some cashiers will even put it through as $1 and pay down some of your other bill)
found a couple clearance items in grocery..sauce mixes and pastas for 50 cents, decaf espresso grounds under $3 for a 15 oz can, just check the end caps(and I hear that if the clearance price's last digit is a 4, like 2.94, that is the lowest price, so snatch it up!)
Archer Farms Artisan breads(mini-loaves, great for hubby's sandwich at lunch!) 0.99 regular price, use $1TQ for each loaf for free bread!
General Mills cereal cups(the little, on the go, kid size ones...nice for snacks!) 1.00, use $1TQ for each cup for free cereal
whole pineapple 3.99, use $1TQ for each for 2.99(I bought 3 and will freeze for smoothies!)
bananas 66cents/lb, use 0.50TQ for each pound(I went ahead and separated into 3 bananas per bunch in case a cashier got crappy...about 3 in each lb, bought 6 lbs for 16 cents each!
Tyson cornish game hen 2.99 on sale, use $1MQ http://coupons2.smartsource.com/smartsource/index.jsp?Link=D2EMJCGJHLK62 , final price 1.99
edy's ice cream 3.04, use $1MQ from Sunday paper(you can google for a printable--I didn't check) and $1TQ, final 1.04 for ice cream!
Dove Ultimate womens deodorant 3.29, use $2MQ http://bricks.coupons.com/Start.asp?tqnm=qeeseen64367506&bt=vi&o=56457&c=DV&p=yCnvowdK and $1TQ for final price 0.29!
Colgate Spongebob toothbrush or toothpaste 1.99, use $1 MQ http://a2.slickdeals.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=248875&d=1250713984 and http://a2.slickdeals.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=248879&d=1250714558 and $1TQ(this TQ expires the 26th so hurry! final price: free toothbrush and toothpaste!
Chef Michaels dry dog food, I chose the 1.5 lb bags,but you could get larger if you wanted...1.5 lb is 4.49, use $3.50 MQ http://www.giveabowl.com/
or the $3.00 coupon from Sunday insert and $1 TQ for each bag, final price 0.49-free!
Orig total 170.xx, paid 40.40!
Friday, August 21, 2009
H1N1 vaccine...decisions, decisions
In my quest to decide whether or not to get my children vaccinated against the H1N1 virus, I discovered this blog post. I had read this earlier about an outbreak in the 70s, and how people who got the shot suffered paralysis, and the drugmakers were unsure as to the cause, and still are...the shot this year has not been tested enough for me to be comfortable with allowing myself or my children to take it...read on:
60 Minutes circa 1979 segment on 1976 H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine injuries
Posted by butnerblogspot in Activism, Agro News, Bi-partisan stupidity, Bio Defense, Bizarre News, Blogging, Business, Civil Rights, Criminal Justice, Environmental, FDA, Government, Government Corruption, Healthcare, History, Legal, Media, Nature, Opinion, Plum Island, Politics, Public Health, Science, USDA, Video. 3 Comments
60 MINUTES, Sunday Nov 4, 1979
Source: YouTube LoveHaight.org
Mike Wallace talks to President Ford, Judy Roberts (injured by the 1976 swine flu vaccine, paralyzed similar to Gardasil injury) Dr. David Sencer and others about the Swine Flu vaccine of 1976. Note the admitted lack of safety and informed consent to the public, even as TV ads frightened American citizens into getting a shot. Think anything has changed today?
Opening statement:MIKE WALLACE: The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman andchild in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.
Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims – two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.
Part Two
After viewing these segments are you still considering getting vaccined for H1N1 in the Fall? If so please consider this;
Austrian Investigative Journalist Jane Buergermeister (Bürgermeister) who recently filed criminal charges against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN) and several high-ranking Goverment and corporate officials concerning bioterrorism involving Swine Flu vaccines that could prove to be more deadly than the disease was fired from her job — writing for Renewable Energy World — earlier this week, apparently because she filed those charges, and that is unacceptable. Readers wishing to help her can read more about that on her blog.
from http://butnerblogspot.wordpress.com/2009/07/23/60-minutes-circa-1979-segment-on-1976-swine-flu-vaccine-damages/#comment-2378
I'm never driving again!
Ok, not never, but not often!
My little one does not like car rides! I don't get it! My older son always fell asleep for car rides, which made trips out of town or just to the store a breeze...this boy...oh, this boy...he hates being strapped down! There is nothing wrong with his carseat, or how he is strapped in. He isn't hungry, or wet, or dirty. He just doesn't like it! I can handle the 2 mile drive with fussing, but the 8+ mile round trip drive to pick up my older son from school is just intolerable! Garrett screams, and gets choked on his own spit because he screamed so much. I stop, check everything, determine he's fine, and try to go a little further. As soon as I'm out of his vision, he screams! This has happened 2 days in a row now...he is starting to lose his voice from it...it's so pathetic! It took us 1 hr to get 4 miles today, because I had to stop several times. Some people tell me to just ignore it and get home, but I can't do that for the entire drive...it doesn't seem healthy to me to just let him scream til his throat hurts.
Next week, my mother is kind enough to bring Trenton home from school on her way home from work for 3 of the days...I'll have to figure something out the other days! I'll just try to take Garrett out for short car rides several times a week, and just add time to our travel each outing...build up his tolerance!
Right now, Mr.Fussy is taking a nap...in his carseat in the living room floor...go figure!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
I am exclusively breastfeeding my little one, and I hope to continue until he is at least a year old. I am blessed to have the adequate(read:overabundant) milk supply, and a baby eager to nurse! This is not the case with all new mamas...
I am in touch with several mamas that had babies around the same time as me...many have chosen to formula feed, many felt like they had to. Likewise, I have recently come in contact with a couple other new mamas that formula feed. What I have heard from a majority of these ladies is that they couldn't produce enough milk, or that they got off track somewhere along the line and just couldn't meet the baby's nutritional needs. Incidentally, almost every mama I've talked to that wanted to keep nursing but couldn't, their babies are experiencing problems with formula toleration...I wonder if there is something to that?
I'm very sad for the new moms that want to breastfeed, but can't! I would never judge a mom for choosing formula over breastmilk..we had to supplement for several weeks to encourage weight gain because Garrett had issues with jaundice and low blood sugar, and just wouldn't stay awake long enough to get enough calories in his little body...but, once he regained his birth weight, we stopped the formula feedings and it's been a-ok ever since! Had we not been successful in his weight gain, I would have switched to formula...his health is most important! Jaundice and blood sugar issues can be very dangerous if not controlled, and I would never suggest denying a child proper nutrition.
But all this reminded me that I have heard of women lactating again after weaning, and of women who adopted babies, and breastfed them! Wow, what a feat! I wanted to offer a few sites that could shed some light on this amazing process..it is not easy, it seems, but if a mama really wanted to commit to relactation, IT IS POSSIBLE!!!
The highlights of what I've read are similar to increasing your milk supply if it is low: nurse often, even if it's just to suckle; pump, even if you only get a few drops of milk; avoid caffeine and alcohol, increase your water intake; look to herbs:fenugreek, blessed thistle, Mother's Milk Tea, or medications: Reglan, to induce or increase supply; reduce stress, don't worry about it...it takes time!
Some sites suggested that this process is easiest for moms of babies under 3 months of age, or that weaned less than 3 months ago. They suggest it may take a similar number of weeks to relactate as to how many you have been formula feeding.
Please read the cited works below to find out if trying to relactate would be right for you! I am by no means an expert(on this or any other matter!), but I just thought how great it would be for a mama to get even a little more breastfeeding time with her new bundle! It may not work for your situation, it may not be enough for your baby's full nutritional needs...but, what if it works? even a little...What if you could nurse again? even if you had to still supplement part-time...wouldn't it be worth a try?
sources and blog posts by people with expertise and/or experience in the matter:
Where has all my time gone? Now with Trenton back in school and Vince released to return to work, I have even less help with daily duties at home...guess some things will have to take the back burner!
The must-do's: getting the garden ready, daily meals & laundry & housework, & taking care of these beautiful children! are taking priority for awhile...craft projects & lengthy workouts can wait! I may even have to cut back on shopping(eek) & computer time(double eek)...I really would like to have a little more time(i.e. energy) to spend on getting back into shape, especially since the Fit By Labor Day Challengehttp://www.mamanotes.com/search/label/Body%20After%20Baby ends soon, but even without the daily workout, I lost another 3 lbs last week...must be my healthy cooking, yay!
on the shopping note: I did get some nice deals at Homeland($20 down from $60--4 shopping bags full!) & Walgreens(spent $12, got $8 back in RR--got 4 baby wipes, 12 pktoilet tissue, & 3 feminine products--pretty good for basically $4)..good thing on the savings since school supplies, uniforms, & shoes ran around $250 this year..it would have been higher, but alot of the supplies ended up being free or leftover from clearances last year!
Ok, felt like I was slacking on the blog, but I'm satisfied for now...more later!
Monday, August 17, 2009
busy busy busy
I have so much going on and need to update some posts, and I plan to get to it tonight or tomorrow!
With school starting this week(and my chore-helper extraordinaire heading back to school), and with my hubby hopefully going back to work, I feel like I have alot of stress coming my way! But, I'll manage...that's what lists are for...to-do, to-clean, to-buy, to-ignore, hehe! I do have alot to do in my garden and around the house, but Garrett rolled over today from back to tummy, and I was in the kitchen fiddling around and missed it(put him in his pack n play on his back, listened to him 'talk' to me, came back into the room and discovered it was now tummy time!), so some stuff will have to wait its turn!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
eat out on the cheap!
Not sure how long this deal lasts, so act quick! Use the code PORTION at checkout to get $25 gift certificates for $2...that's right $2!
Most stipulate no alcohol included in the amount & $35 minimun dine-in order, but still it's a $12 meal for 2-4 people for $12 + tax + tip---sounds good to me!
Be sure to read all the conditions first...good thing is the certificate is valid for 1 year! I bought 4 for different restaurants in case we are feeling up to a date night sometime!
Target fruit on sale
In case you didn't hear:
Target has a great sale on fruit this week..I'm all stocked up for healthy snacks!
Tentation apples are 99cents/ lb, use $1/1lb Q here http://www.organicgrocerydeals.com/forums/view.php?pg=coupon_generator
bananas are 66 cents/lb, use 50 cents/1lb Q here http://sites.target.com/site/en/supertarget/page.jsp?title=coupons%5Fspecials&ref=nav%5Ffooter%5Fcoupons
2lb bags are $1.99 of peaches, nectarines, & plums
To be on the safe side, I weighed out into individual bags the apples & bananas at 1lb each 10 times, then used a separate coupon for each(actually, the cashier put them all in a Target bag and weighed them together, then manually pushed thru each coupon, but not all cashiers will do that for you!)
So, apples are free and bananas are 16 cents/lb...the others I listed are 99cents/lb which was still a good price, especially if you get the apples & bananas so cheap! If you buy 10 lbs apples, 10 lbs bananas, & 1 bg each of the peaches, plums, & nectarines, you will get 26 lbs of fruit for 7.57 + tax..that's 30cents/lb averaged! Think you won't use all that before it goes bad? Make bread and freeze it, slice & heat-process in jars, freeze bananas for smoothies!
Homeland shopping trip 8/12/09
I had a great shopping trip at Homeland today...you can't see everything in the pic, so I'll list it(coupons are all doubled except where marked):
Eggo waffles 1.66(didn't need, but needed for the Fuel for School rebate!)
3# frozen chicken breast 4.99
3# frozen chicken breast 4.99
Kotex tampons 2.69(-1.00q from a Walmart sample)0.69
Special K choc pretzel bar2.00(-0.75 coupons.com)0.50
Cinnabon bar 2.00(-1.00 coupons.com)free
Cinnabon bars 2.00(-0.75 sunday insert)0.50
Farmland smoked sausage2.50(-0.55 Farmland mailer)1.40
Rice Krispies cereal 2.50(-1.00 vocalpoint mailer)0.50
Red Baron french bread singles 2.50(-0.75dnd) 1.75
2 Farmland bacon B1G1 3.99(-1.00 Farmland mailer) 1.99for both
Sure deodorant 1.99(-0.75 insert)0.49
Sure Men's deodorant 1.99(-1.25 insert) 0.74
coffeemate 1.79(-0.55 not on sale, coupon was about to expire)0.69
2KelloggsFiberPlus bars 2.00 each(-1.00/2 from back of box previously purchased)2.00/both
KelloggsFiberPlus bars 2.00(-0.75 insert)0.50
French's worchester sauce 1.49(-0.50 french's website, not on sale but coupon to expire)0.49
Farmland Smoked Sausage 2.50(-0.75 Farmland mailer)1.00
2 Keebler Fudge Shoppe cookies 2.00each(-1.00/2 coupons.com)2.00 for both
My total before tax was 59.49.
I used a $5/$25 coupon I received in the mail from Homeland Corporate, used all the coupons listed above, used leftover Gift Card from the Kelloggs buy 10/get $25 deal earlier in the summer, paid total oop $6.02.
There are 10 items in my purchase that are eligible for the Kellogg's Fuel for School deal...I will receive $10 back in rebate(so I'm making 3.98!!)! If I had been thinking, the Sure Men's deodorant had a 'try me free' sticker, and I should have asked the cashier to let me pay separately for this..I have actually already done this rebate, but I could have done it again and used my parents' address...but, you have to send in the original receipt for both rebates, so I'm going to just to the Kelloggs rebate...oh, well, it was still cheap!
That's it!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
meals week of 8/10/09
So, I loved the grocery challenge so much, I am going to see if I can continue with posting meals and shopping trips:
B--misc(I had homemade yogurt & cereal)
L--pasta w/ sauce & mustard greens
D--BBQ pork ribs, new potatoes(made German potato salad), sweet corn on the cob, & crescent rolls
L--leftover pasta, added pepperoni
D--leftover ribs, potato salad, corn, added salad
L--leftovers from tuesday
D--rice, red beans, mixed veggies w/ sour cream & salsa; salads; leftover lemon angel food cake & pear crisp & strawberries
leftovers all day
D--spinach lasagna with homemade ricotta
week 5 fit by labor day challenge
Well, it's a new week(well, yesterday was, but I was too busy and too unmotivated)! I did not lose ANY weight last week, which means I need to change something. I have not made it a priority to workout, I have not made it a priority to not snack all day, I have not made ME a priority!
This morning I got up with the baby at 5 am, and as he played by himself in the pack & play, I managed to get 15 minutes on the elliptical trainer! Then, after a little mommy & baby time, he was ready to go back to sleep, so I worked on abs and arm strengthening. Go, me! I do feel better after I work out, but it's just so hard to get started each day! Tomorrow I plan to skip the strength training but add some time to cardio, so I don't get burned out!
Again, this will be a long process for me...I can see I'm not fully committed to it yet, so every little accomplishment is important to me.
Follow the other participants of the challenge here http://www.mamanotes.com/2009/08/body-after-baby-find-your-motivation.html
Monday, August 10, 2009
Grocery Challenge is over...
but we aren't done at my house! I loved this challenge...I really learned alot about my shopping habits. My family and I were forced(willingly)to make some changes in what we ate, and how much we spent on our food. This challenge came at an appropriate time: I am a new SAHM, so our monthly income is much less than what it used to be. My husband is still home recovering from back surgery, and won't get his full salary for another several weeks. I had the baby to care for, and my older son & husband were home every day...extra meals to make, extra shopping, extra housework, extra stress. But somewhere along the way I began to feel more alive...strange, but true. I feel less burdened when I get a great bargain, when I use coupons to lower our grocery bill, when I come up with a new recipe to accomodate the food we have on hand. I won't deny that the past month has been hard at times, but not because of the grocery challenge...saving money on groceries, household necessities, school supplies, utility bills, etc., is my new obsession. I am constantly thinking of how else I can help my family get through this tough economic season. We can walk to the library(in the 100 degree heat, no less) to rent free movies instead of driving to the theater or video store. We can eat leftovers when mom doesn't feel like cooking instead of getting takeout. We can price-match at shopping centers instead of running all over town to get 2 items at each store. We can use cloth diapers, cloth napkins & towels. The list goes on...
So, I'm thankful for the AllYou Grocery Challenge for the changes it has brought us.
As I type this entry, I'm enjoying an apple that we purchased today...99cents/lb at Target this week...used a $1 off 1lb apples coupon from the Target website(I was able to do this for 10 lbs of free apples!)...that free apple is tastier than any apple I've eaten before!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Week 4 of challenges
Mama notes blogged a good reminder that now is the time to get moving! http://www.mamanotes.com/2009/08/body-after-baby-your-questions-answered.html
No, I did not workout as much as I could've/should've last week. No, I did not drink as much water as I could've/should've. Yes, I did snack too much last week...that's how I'm doing so far.
If we had this discussion yesterday, I would have told you that despite all that, I had lost another 2 lbs for the week, but today I saw that number go up 1.5 lbs..maybe just water weight? Whatever it is, it scared me, and I woke up and put on my workout attire, AND went for a brisk walk with a friend! Maybe I'll make time to lift weights later...
This is the final week for the All You Grocery Challengehttp://allyougrocerychallenge.wordpress.com/, and we are doing very well to keep to our budget, and I've been careful to prepare healthy meals, and have been experimenting with new flavors & tastes to keep things interesting!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
deals at Walgreens today

Saturday, August 1, 2009
saturday shopping
Saturday..back to Homeland for their 3 day sale:
Tyson chicken nuggets(3.99-1.00q)
3pks Bic pens(0.59 each -1/1q and -1/2q)
3 Musselmann's healthy picks/totally fruit applesauces(1.25 each -0.50/1q and -1/2q)
Hormel pepperoni(1.99 -0.55q from Hormel website, need pepperoni to make stuffed zucchini from MIL's garden)
after sale prices, coupons, one card, overages total oop $5.13..savings was 83%
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