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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CVS trip 5/12/10

Oh, My!  I did 6 transactions, 90 minutes of shopping and struggling with a fidgety baby...I paid $3.01 + tax.  The tax was substantial, my total with tax was $14.64, with a savings of $236.91.  I earned 1 ecb for future shopping. 
The photo isn't great, so here's a list of what I bought:
4 12pks Coke
2 12 pks Sprite
3 gallons Borden milk
6 pkg Fig Newtons
3 pkg cotton swabs
2 pkg bandaging tape
1 Hydrogen peroxide
2 Kotex liners
1 Carefree liners
2 B12 drops
6 Magnesium vitamins
2 bgs sour gummy worms(1 lg, 1 sm)
2 bgs Werthers candies
2 NYC nailpolish
2 Covergirl lipgloss
6 tic tacs
4 Cutter pest repellant wipes
8 bx Raisin Bran
1 3pk Listerine strips

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