Yes, I finally made my first voyage to CVS...loved it! They are friendly, helpful, and coupon-friendly!
I got all this for 19.75 oop, but I have 2 items for Try Me Free at 4.99 & 6.99, making my oop 7.77, plus I have 6ecb left to use! They may convert me from my Waggin ways,lol.
Please tell me how you got all this for less than $20?! What were your coupons? You're my hero, BTW!
Here is what I did:
trans 1
6 Stacys pita chips 3.00 each
1 Stacys pita clearance 2.47
used 5/20 cvs Q, 6 $1MQs, 6 $1CVSQs
pd 4.36, got 10ecb
trans 2
2 SoyJoy 6ct 6.00 each
2 green bag tags 0.99 each
Renpur conditioner 6.99
used 5/20 cvs Q, 10ecb from tr1
pd 7.33, got 12 ecb & 6.99 MIR for conditioner
trans 3
6 12pks Pepsi products 20.00
used 5/20 cvs Q & 12ecb from t2
pd 4.28, got 10ecb
trans 4
3 Physician's Formula clearanced makeup 1.99-3.75 each
1 Organix conditioner 4.99
1 Soyjoy 6ct 6.00
used 5/20 cvs Q, 10ecb from trans 3, 2 $2MQs from Phys Formula
pd 2.25, got 6ecb & 4.99 MIR for conditioner
trans 5, 6, 7
1 soyjoy 6ct 6.00
used 6ecb from prev trans
pd 0.51, get 6ecb
I still have 6 ecb left for another week.
I got the Stacy's chips Qs from, got the Stacy's chips CVS Qs from, had some coupons for the Physician's Formula makeup from other cosmetics I bought before, got the $5/$20 CVS Q from an internet posting.
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