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Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Day 2
Well, I survived day 1 of the bab challenge...drank lots of water per the weekly points challenge..gotta get some more in me today, and try to get a workout of some kind!
IBW books...I won
I need to mention that I won a blog contest over at http://couponprincessgoesblogging.blogspot.com/ thanks Shannon!
I won 3 KA Readers from IBW Books...interactive learning tools for little ones! Should be fun to try out when Garrett gets a little older...although he does watch videos and cartoons online already, so he may enjoy it now..we'll see when they arrive!
You can check into geting your own readers, plus they offer money-making opportunities if you are so inclined..check them out http://ibw-books.com/
Monday, September 28, 2009
Target freebies 9/28/09
A friend and I plopped Garrett into the stroller and walked up to Target...it's about 23 blocks one-way, plus we walked in the store for awhile, so we got a workout! I needed it, too, since I'm participating in a challenge for 8 wks!
I bought 16 bags of chex-mix, the 8.75 oz bag, special price ends today of 1.17 each, regular price is 1.75, so still not bad if you miss it today....I used a 1.00TQ for each plus a 0.50 MQ(coupons.com & smartsource.com) for each bag, making each free!
I also found a kids crest toothbrush/toothpaste set in travel/trial for 0.99, used $1 crest kids MQ from Sunday paper
and, 2 Downy wrinkle release in travel/trial 1.97 each, used free MQ for each
and, Clean & Clear morning burst scrub in travel/trial 0.97, used $1 MQ
and, tide 2X in travel/trial for 0.99, used $1 MQ from Sunday paper
and Mr.Clean liquid cleaner 2.39 & spray cleaner 2.59, used b1g1 plus 0.75 MQ
and 4ct Magic Erasers, 2 boxes at 3.44 each, used b1g1 plus 1.00 MQ
and 2ct Magic Eraser(the foaming one for kitchen/bath) 2.29, used 0.75 MQ just b/c it was going to expire Wednesday
tried to get airwick starter kits with Qs to make them free, but they were out..guess everyone heard about them too!
Going to Walgreens tomorrow for a money maker shopping trip, and will try to get to Super Target Wednesday because I have some grocery coupons to use...will post those deals also!
oh, the chex mix coupons on Target website or Organic Grocery Deals is for $1 each, can be used on the small bags found at the registers to get them free if you don't have the other coupons to match the deal!
week 1 bab challenge
Week 1 challenge is drink more water...ugh! But, I sooooo need to! 1 glass=1point! Bottoms up!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Day 1
Today is day 1 of the latest (and greatest?) 8 wk challenge presented by MamaNotes http://www.mamanotes.com/2009/09/body-after-baby-week-one.html and the Body after Baby serieshttp://bodyafterbaby.ning.com/...all the points and stats and photos are to be presented at the end of the challenge, so I'll keep my starting info a secret for now. Maybe I'll get brave and post a photo, but don't hold your breath...
In preparation for sweet cravings, I made some sugar-free jello, and set out some whipped topping...sounds yummy already! I managed to rid the house of all the Starbucks ice cream this past week, so I'm all set(and tired of ice cream now!).
I lost 10 pounds on the last 8 wk challenge, even without exercising or being strict on food, so I hope to accomplish as much or more this time around. There IS a gift card or 2 up for grabs to the winner, so maybe it'll keep me going!
So, shout out to all the other ladies doing this challenge with me: we can do this, girls!
Happy 5 months to Garrett!
My little guy is 5 months old today! Where has the time gone? Here's a recent video of him cracking up at his brother, Trenton.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
8 wk challenge
Sunday, Sept 27 is the start of an 8 wk challenge...another installment of mini-challenges on MamaNotes' Body After Baby series...I am ready, sort of..I am trying to ease my thinking and habits in the right direction! I think this challenge might work for me, though, because you earn points for reps of a specific task each week...I think it may be easier for me to focus on just push-ups or just steps taked or just crunches for a week rather than trying to fit a workout in around Garrett's schedule. Of course, just focusing on one body area each week may not be the best idea, so I may alternate days, like S-T-Th-Sat do the specified task, and M-W-F do a task for a different muscle group..I don't know how that'll work yet, but brainstorming in advance.
Another reason this may work for me is because I have self-diagnosed OCD, and I WILL do 1000 pushups if I know that's the only exercise I must focus on that week. Finally, something where OCD will pay off!
Now, if I could give myself a challenge to limit my obsession with shopping, we'd really be making progress,lol!
Oh, if you are reading this, it's NOT too late to join the challenge..c'mon, torture yourself with me! http://bodyafterbaby.ning.com/
Monday, September 21, 2009
A fireman rescued us today
I live in Tulsa, which has been recognized for 20+ years for it's flood retention actions...since a major flood in the early 80s, Tulsa has been proactive about low-lying areas. Nevertheless, when the rain comes down as heavy and fast as it did today, flash flooding still occurs. It never fails to flash flood under the highway overpasses, and in several key intersections. I wasn't too concerned on my way to pick up Trenton from school, but the rain got heavier as I approached his school 4 miles from our house. We tried to take our normal route home, but 1/4 mile into it, the fire dept. had the street blocked off. We turned around and tried the way I had come. Good going for 2 miles, then another firetruck had the street blocked. We went another mile further and out of our way. We got a little closer, but then had to pull into a park to wait it out awhile...the water was deep and still pouring..I could barely see! Plus, Garrett was screaming to be nursed. After 30 minutes, we tried again. By this time it had been about an hour and a half, and we got to another spot where the water was much deeper. As I turned onto the main road 1 mile from home, I realized there would be no further for us...the water was already to the top of the curb, and at least a dozen cars were stuck in every direction out of the intersection. I tried to go, but I kept hearing 'Turn Around, Don't Drown' (thx Trinity)playing in my head...have you ever seen the commercials? My dad knew we had not made it home, so he and my brother were out(in a truck..lucky!) looking for us...they called my cell and said to just go...'other cars are making it'...but I couldn't do it..I couldn't put my children in danger any further than I already had. When I tried going a little further, I could feel the car starting to float. I wasn't sure how deep the water was behind me, or across the median, and there were cars stuck behind me, beside me. I was in tears by this point. I broke down and called 911...I told the dispatcher that I knew that several cars were stuck with me, but that I had a baby and another child with me and that it was dire that we get out fast..I admitted that I felt like we were in trouble if we didn't get out soon. Seconds later several firetrucks arrived...a nice younf fireman helped get the cars behind me to back up, then suggested I do the same. Uh-uh...not me! I asked him to drive my car, which he did. He took us safely back and across to a gas station parking lot so we could wait it out. I am so grateful to the emergency personnel that responded...I feel like an idiot for getting into trouble...I knew not to drive through it, which is why I stopped..it just happens that I couldn't back up or turn around where I was..I was so terrified I would make it worse...
Right before we got stuck, I had just messaged my husband that we were having trouble getting home, and then for a split second, I thought that maybe I should pull into the next parking lot and wait...but I didn't...I thought we could do it...we were 1 mile from home.
I sit here typing this, on the verge of tears, holding Garrett close on my chest...I think I'm a little traumatized about what could have happened...how lucky we are!
Tulsa Fire Department: Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Used some great coupons today
I printed some great coupons recently and got to use them today.
4 6pks of Boost Kids Essentials 8.99 each, used 2 b1g1, and 2 $5 off MQ
5 pkg Hormel bacon 2.49 each, used 5 peelies $2 off found at another grocery store
4 pkg up & up Baby food 0.82 each,use $1 off $3 purchase found in Parenting Magazine
Always Infinity 18 ct(because one day I'll have my monthly again) 3.99, used free Q from sample
used 3 $5 gc from the Kashi deal, pd $2.37 oop!
3 pk Huggies wipes 32 ct travel case 1.57 each, used 3 $2 IP to get overage
1 pk 16 ct Huggies wipes travel case 1.27, used $2 IP to get overage
1 YoBaby 3 in 1 meal 1.00, used $1 IP from YoBaby website
6 pkg Sara Lee lunchmeat 10 oz 3.98 each, used 6 $3 IP
pd $6.80!
All the bacon & meat went straight to the deep freezer, which is packed full, by the way....I really need to stop shopping for awhile..I can't use all the food I've bought before I buy more...
really cheap sandwiches for us for the next months!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Who loves Kashi?
and who loves Target? answer: me, and me!
lovin SuperT today!
Here's what I got:
9 boxes Kashi Honey Sunshine cereal
2 boxes Kashi tlc chewy snack bars
4 boxes Kashi go lean crunch cereal
2 Wishbone dressings
10 sticks MP pepperjack cheese
used 5 TQ for cheese
1 TQ & 2 MQ for wishbone
1 free honey sunshine(Vocalpt mailer)
4 -1.50 honey sunshine Qs(vocalpt)
4 -1.50 honey sunshine IP
2 -1.50 tlc wyb go lean cereal IP
3 -1.50/2 peelies
got $15 gift cards and oop 21.58...went to guest services to ad match price with Walgreens ad)2/$5 Kashi cereal)...received $5.37 back in cash!
So, my adjusted total was 16.21, got $15 gc to use on the next gc deal! Seriously? That's 1.21 for 13 boxes of cereal, 2 bx of granola bars, 10 stx of cheese, and 2 salad dressings!
Monday, September 14, 2009
In need of a break...
So, I know I don't HAVE TO shop, but when stores put out great sales with great coupons to match, I can't help myself...I must go..it's free or almost free stuff...stuff we will use, eventually. I would just appreciate if my fav stores would hold off on the good sales for a couple weeks so I can do other things...It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to drag the baby around town, and if the stores were better about multiple transactions...this week is out of the question...I've already seen the Homeland ad, and Walgreens is calling my name, too...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Coloring Pages of your family photos
Thanks to Simply Saving Savvy for this post!
Crayola.com is offering up FREE coloring book pages with actual photos you upload!
Just go on over here and click on the "enter code" link, then you'll need to login or register. Once you do so, type in code PR24QCHT . Now you can start uploading your photos.
You can upload and save five photos at a time, but after printing, you can replace any of the saved files with a new uploaded image.
Keep in mind, though, the code will only give you 24 hours of access! Have fun! This is a great freebie that the kiddos can enjoy too!
Thanks It's Hip to Save!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
vote on my design
just a cheesy little contest, prob won't win, but vote 5 stars anyway!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Target, again...
Today was a VERY good trip to Target! Garrett was cooperative for the most part, and even though they were out of stock on some items I planned to purchase, I still got a cart full of groceries cheap! Here's what I got:
2 Earth's best snacks 1.77 & 1.58, used 2 TQ and 2 MQ, 0.27 & 0.47 final!
surge protector(at dh's request) clearance 6.79
6 AF artisan mini breads(whole grain, yum) used TQ to get these free!
8 pkg of beef chuck steak, 1-2 lbs each, used 8 TQ and each had $2-$2.50 peelies, so final was 0.93-2.43 final for each
8 lbs bananas, used 8 TQ to get these for 0.16/lb
4 MP string cheese 0.40 each, used 2 TQ to get these free w/overage
Univ of OK book cover(for ds) clearance for 1.18
8 boxes Special K bliss bars 2.39 each, used 3 MQ(all I had left) and 8 TQ to get these for 15.12 and received 2 $5 gift cards back, so like spending 5.12
2 boxes Nutrigrain cereal bars 2.39 each, used 1 MQ and 2 TQ to get these for 3.78 and the deal came with a free 64oz MP orange juice free
I used 2 $5 gift cards from previous gc deals to get a total oop of 30.84, I received back 2 $5 gift cards, plus the Special K bars & Nutrigrain bars qualify for the Kellogg's Fuel for School rebate of $10!! If I remove the non-grocery items, this means I paid about $12 for 8 pkg of steaks, 10 boxes of cereal bars, 8 lbs bananas, 2 baby snacks, 6 mini loaves of bread, OJ, and cheese...wow! The original price of the steaks alone was 39.19, so this was indeed a good trip!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Shopping this week(so far)
Lots of deals to be had this week...I'll try to get thru quickly because I'm on the 'my baby is napping' computer break!
Target 8/30
2 huggies wipes 1.99 each, use 2 $1.50 MQ
glade oil candle tin 1.66, use the $1.50 MQ found inside the lid!
glade oil candle refill 2.50, use free with tin purchase MQ
2 pkg Energizer rechargeable batteries(for the Xbox 360 controllers!) 8.49 each, use 2 $1 MQ
2 boxes of Campbell's soups clearance for 1.34 each, use $1/2 MQ
4 pkg of steaks prices $5-$7, use 4 $1 TQ and 4 $3 peelies on pkgs
2 Green Giant frozen meal kits clearance for 1.48 each
2 pkg each of frozen broccoli and spinach clearance for 58 cents each
6 Market Pantry string cheese 0.40 each, use 3 $1/2 TQ for overage
5 Market Pantry whipped topping clearance for 0.21 each
3 pk of Dial foam handsoap, clearance at 3.38, use 0.55 MQ
2 Colgate toothbrushes clearance 0.97 each
2 Colgate toothpaste(8oz!) clearance 2.62 each, used 2 MQ for $3/wyb a toothbrush & toothpaste
thermometer(needed for making yogurt, my other broke) 14.19
Up & Up gallon storage bags 1.12, use 0.50 TQ catalina
4 pk of Puffs tissues(back to school pack, large boxes!) clearance 2.78
messenger bag(Trenton was begging me for one) clearance 7.48
Purina Chef Michael's 5oz dog food 0.50,use free MQ
5 Edy's ice cream 2.50 each, use 5 $1 TQ and 5 $1 MQ
total for this trip was 71.13, plus got a $5 gift card, not bad considering most of the total was from batteries, messenger bag, and thermometer...without those, my total would have been around $30!
Walgreens 8/31
used the 15% fam & friends discount coupon also
2 Cover Girl makeups 5.09 each, used $2.50/2 MQ
clearance tee shirt 1.49
3 boxes envelopes 1.10, used WQ $1.80 off
theraflu 4.24, used $2 WQ and $2 MQ
carefree pantiliner 1.69, use $1 MQ
colgate 360 toothbrush 2.54, use $1 MQ
2 pk energizer rechargeable batteries 6.79 each, use 2 $1 MQ
3 Walgreens peroxide 3/$1
total was 25.81, received $8 in register rewards
Walgreens 8/31 transaction #2
used the 15% fam & friends coupon again
theraflu 4.24, use $2 WQ and $2 MQ
carefree pantiliners 1.69, use $1 MQ
colgate 360 toothbrush, use $1 MQ
4 pkg vegetable garden seeds clearance 0.14 each
used an old $3 RR, paid 0.80 oop, received $8 RR back!
Homeland 8/31
almost everything I wanted was out of stock!
Colgate Total toothpaste 2.50, use 0.75 MQ, dbl
total was 1.15
Target 9/01
3 J & J buddies bars 0.97 each, used 1 $1 TQ(it didn't catch the other 2 Qs, will get it back on my next trip!)
3 J & J baby cotton swabs 1.29 each, used 3 $1 TQ
4 glade oil candle tins 1.66 each, used 4 $1.50 MQ found inside the lid
4 glade oil tin refills 2.50 each, used 4 free wyb tin MQ
6 boxes Kellogs special k blueberry cereal 2.39 each, use 6 $1 MQ
2 boxes Kellogs special k choc pretzel bars 2.39 each, use 2 $1 MQ & 2 0.50 TQ
used 2 previous $5 gift cards, paid 6.42(should get 1.94 back after the 2 Qs they missed), and received 2 $5 gift cards for the Special K deals
Walgreens 9/01
theraflu 4.99, use $2 WQ and $2 MQ
omega 3 milk chocolate bar clearance 0.49(filler)
tshirt 2.00(filler)
used $2 RR from previous trans, paid 2.12 oop, received $3 RR
Walgreens 9/01 transaction #2
theraflu 4.99, use $2 WQ and $2 MQ
omega 3 milk choc bar clearance 0.49(filler)
tshirt 2.00(filler)
colgate 360 toothbrush, use $1 MQ
used $4 RR from previous trans paid 2.36 oop, received $6 RR
All the transactions from 9/01 are a good example of how to roll your RR from Walgreens and gift cards from target...all in all I bought:
29 items using $8.96oop, $10 gift cards, & $6 RR........I received back $10 Gift cards and $9 RR
Win a Reasor's gift card!
The Coupon Queen and 918moms is giving away a $100 Reasor's gift card! Enter for a chance to win...
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